The local anthem of Martinique, as well as a local flag, was selected as the result of a vote by the citizens of the island on January 13, 2023 and announced on January 16, 2023[1]. The lyrics are in the widely spoken, yet unofficial, Antillean or Martinican Creole. The anthem is meant for expressing a unique identity in sports and cultural events, but as an integral part of France, “La Marseillaise” is used as the national anthem.

There was previously a local anthem declared by the president of the territorial collectivity on May 10, 2019[2]. Titled “Lorizon” by Rosetta Varasse[2], it was ruled in November, 2021 that it was not within the president’s power to declare an anthem, but rather that of the national assembly[3] and the process of selecting a new anthem was started. The new anthem was ratified by the national assembly on February 2, 2023.[4]

It is unknown who the author of the anthem is, however, the second place winner of the 2019 contest was also a work entitled “Ansanm” and the author of that piece is Léon Sainte-Rose Franchine, this could be the same work.

[1] “Drapeau et Hymne de la Martinique : la population a choisi !,” Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique, accessed January 21, 2013,
[2] “Martinique now has a territorial hymn and flag for sports, cultural and international events,” Media Centre, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, May 21, 2019,
[3] “A hummingbird and black in “homage to the flouted”… The Martiniquans have chosen their new flag,”, January 17, 2023,
[4] “Le drapeau Rouge Vert Noir adopté par l’Assemblée de Martinique,” France-Antilles Martinique, February 2, 2023, .